9000 SW Washington Square Rd
Tigard, OR 97223

The Tigard Chamber of Commerce invites WACC Members to their Ambassador’s annual Speed Networking event.
Show your business some love and join 80-100 other business professionals for a fast-paced, event in a different format. At tables of 8, each participant has 60 seconds to talk about their business/cause. Practice that 60-second elevator pitch. You are going to need it. Bring 100 business cards.
Cost: Early Registration
$10 for any local chamber member, non-profit or service club.
Don’t fit in that category, then your price is $15.
Late Registration (Starting Feb. 1)
$15 for any local chamber member, non-profit or service club.
Don’t fit in that category, then your price is $20.
Procrastinators rate is $25 at the door.
Registration Link: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07efzgiv38e5e8cc46&oseq=&c=&ch=