Podcast Profitability Playbook


Thinking of starting a podcast to increase profits for your business – but you’re not sure where to start? Wondering what you could talk about consistently enough to have a “show?” Does the technical side of podcasting intimidate you? Imagine what might happen if your business had a consistent piece of valuable piece of content that was easy to create and easy to distribute. Would that make your marketing efforts easier and more profitable?

Join podcast pioneer, small business sales expert and pinball wizard Phil Gerbyshak as he shares the tools, the techniques and the tips you need to start and continue profitably podcasting in your small business.

You’ll discover:

  • Where to host your podcast so it doesn’t slow your primary website’s speed to a crawl
  • What you need to do to get your podcast listed on the largest podcast platform
  • Where else you list your podcast to make sure others find it
  • What to talk about on your podcast to make it more profitable for your business
  • How to promote your podcast across all your social media channels – nearly automatically
  • What are some of the show formats you can use to make your podcast entertaining – and insightful
  • 10 things to do AFTER your podcast to maximize the number of people that can get value from your show

About your guide:

Phil Gerbyshak has been podcasting since 2006, and has been working with small business owners to create and leverage their podcasts to be get more business and be more profitable. He’s learned a lot of shortcuts and made tons of mistakes podcasting – and he’ll share the good, the bad and the ugly of profitable podcasting.