
Fostering community togetherness through faith is supported by many houses of worship, representing most religious denominations. Individuals and families are certain to find a place of worship and belief system to suit any lifestyle.
In addition to regular services offered through these religious institutions, most provide educational programming, outreach and volunteer opportunities to the fellowship and the community.

**If you have any changes or additions to this list – please send to Info@WilsonvilleChamber.com**


Name: Bahai Faith

Address: 8200 SW Maxine Lane, #57, Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-915-5057


Name: Church of Christ Wilsonville

Address: 10665 SW Wilsonville Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-582-0458

Website: www.wilsonvillechurch.com


Name: Church of Jesus Christ of LDS

Address: 29350 SW Town Center Loop E, Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-685-7383

Website: www.lds.org


Name: Community of Hope, ELCA (Lutheran)

Address: 27817 SW Stafford Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-682-8855

Website: www.commhope.org


Name: Creekside Bible Church (Baptist)

Address: 28995 SW Brown Road (Lowrie Primary)

Phone: 503-682-1197

Website: www.creeksidebiblechurch.org


Name: Grace Chapel

Address: 9600 SW Boeckman Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-570-2988

Website: www.gracechapelonline.org


Name: Hope Assembly

Address: 6800 SW Wilsonville Rd., Wilsonville, 97070 (Wilsonville High School)

Phone: 503-570-6100

Website: www.hopeassembly.org


Name: Hoshana Rabbah

Address: 14145 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, 97224 (Hall Baptist Church)

Phone: 503-570-3376

Website: www.hoshanarabbah.org


Name: Liferoads Fellowship

Address: 6700 SW Wilsonville Rd, Wilsonville, 97070 (Boeckman Creek Primary)

Phone: 503-597-8638

Website: www.liferoadsfellowship.org


Name: Meridian United Church of Christ (Frog Pond Church)

Address: 6750 SW Boeckman Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-682-0339

Website: www.meridianucc.org


Name: New Life Church

Address: 27960 SW Canyon Creek Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-656-8600

Website: www.newlifenw.com/wilsonville


Name: Place of Grace Church (Charismatic Church)

Address: 8200 SW Wilsonville Rd., Wilsonville, 97070 (Wilsonville Library)

Phone: 503-729-7468

Website: www.placeofgracechurch.org


Name: St. Cyril’s Catholic Church

Address: 9205 SW 5th St., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-682-2332

Website: www.stcyrilparish.org


Name: St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church

Address: 8818 SW Miley Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-678-5422

Website: www.stfranciswilsonville.org


Name: St. Michael’s Anglican Church

Address: 27350 SW Stafford Rd., Wilsonville, 97070 (Frog Pond Grange)

Phone: 503-830-1402

Website: www.oregonanglicans.org


Name: Stafford Christian Church

Address: 23215 SW Newland Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-638-5426


Name: Valley Christian Church

Address: 11188 SW Wilsonville Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-682-3693

Website: www.vccwilsonville.org


Name: Wilsonville United Methodist Church

Address: 7355 SW Wilsonville Rd., Wilsonville, 97070

Phone: 503-682-0987