How to Make Your Video Calls and Meetings More Appealing

Are you tired of video calls yet? There was something new and fun about them when we were all locked down for COVID, but now they’ve lost a lot of their sparkle. 

For some of us who work from home, video calls can feel like an unnecessary intrusion where we need to worry about what we look like, what we’re wearing, what our home office looks like, and having to run interference with kids and pets with the possibility of them entering the screen view at any moment. It adds more work and more stress to something that used to be functional communication tool.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can bring back the novelty and enjoyment behind seeing a face and gauging a reaction.… Read the rest

SpringRidge at Charbonneau

A luxurious senior living community in Wilsonville, OR

SpringRidge is only a hop, a skip, and a jump from Portland, but seemingly a world away. Situated on ten acres of the natural beauty, greenery and serenity that is the residential neighborhood of Charbonneau, SpringRidge, with its manicured garden courtyards and rich architectural detailing, seems reminiscent of a French Country manor—Portland style.

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Hey Guys!! Lessons from Influencers

When my friend’s thirteen-year-old daughter was approached by a major brand to be an influencer for them, I knew things were changing. Cynically, I wondered what did a thirteen-year-old or any kid have that a brand wanted? The obvious answer is a young following that can easily be led to make purchases. But just what are these influencers doing to build their audiences and how can we get a little of that for our own businesses without directly hiring them?

5.5 Epic Lessons from Influencers

No, they’re not really epic but that is your first half lesson from influencers—everything is amazing, epic, awesome, fantabulous, extreme, thick, or whatever other word describes something in a totally over the top way. Our English teachers used to call it hyperbole and influencers use it A LOT!!!!!… Read the rest

How to Revive Connections with Former Customers Blog Header Template 2

It happens. People buy from you and they love you. Then life gets in the way, and they don’t return. Sometimes it’s because they no longer have use for your products or services like when you sell gourmet dog biscuits, and they no longer have a pet. Sometimes they moved out of your area, and you don’t offer e-commerce options. Most often though, your business has simply slipped their minds. It’s no longer on their radar or part of their buying habit. It wasn’t something you did. They just have other things going on. 

In these cases, you need to reengage them and bring yourself back to top of mind. Here are a few ideas on how you can do that.… Read the rest