Categories: Organizations
365 Warner Milne Road, Suite 202
Oregon City, OR 97045 USA
Our mission is to make the world better for kids. We invite you to browse our site at Wilsonvillekiwanis.org to learn more about the great programs we provide for children in Wilsonville. We’re very proud of our efforts, and of our community………..and, we have a lot of fun doing this fulfilling volunteer work.
Interested in learning more about what we do?
We invite you to join us at our monthly open club meeting on the third Thursday of every month.
Categories: Festivals, Organizations
… Read the restMission statement—”Our mission is to connect, strengthen, and represent the Oregon equine industry.” Oregon Horse Council represents our state on the American Horse Council and State Coalition of Horse Councils.
Categories: Agricultural Research & Education, Equine industry, Non-Profit, Organizations, Sports & Recreation
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