Harnessing the Power of AI for Your Small Business Harnessing the Power of AI for Small Business Success 1080 × 1080 px

Get ready for a fun and informative 60-minute workshop that’ll help you supercharge your business with the power of AI. We’ll explore how artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, can save you time, make your operations run smoother, and create amazing customer experiences.

Here’s what we’ve got planned to help you Harness the Power of AI for Your Small Business Success.

Doors open (virtual and in person). at 9:45 AM. Workshop starts at 10 AM sharp.

Intro to AI and ChatGPT: A quick rundown on AI and ChatGPT, how they work, and the cool possibilities (and limitations) they offer.

ChatGPT in Action: Real-life examples of how you can use AI in your small business for marketing, sales, customer service, and HR.

Q&A: Bring your questions, and we’ll bring the answers!Read the rest

Meet and Eat Virtual Networking April 26, 2023 meet and eat 04262023

An innovative program to do face-to-face, one-on-one, human-to-human relationship building, referring, and connecting! This is NOT a zoom meetup – it’s a one-of-a-kind quality, virtual connection experience.

Bringing lunch? Optional. Making virtual business connections? Guaranteed.

Register Now

* FREE for Chamber Members and this time FREE for guests.

* You MUST pre-register on Eventbrite no later than 9pm on 4/25/23.

* You MUST register for the event at Blitzr BEFORE by 9pm 4/25/23. (Simple instructions included with your Eventbrite ticket confirmation.)


*Please arrive anytime from 11:30-11:50am. The electronic doors close promptly at 12 pm.

| 12 pm | Person-to-person, no distractions networking. Meet in 7-minute increments with 7 different business professionals. Our Blitzr artificial intelligence software will automatically connect you with the other guests in a private 1:1 video chat.Read the rest

Morning Spark at Al’s Garden Center 03/22/2023 032223

Our Morning Spark networking events are great for meeting and making new business connections within the community. Facilitated introductions between attendees ensure you will meet everyone.

Everyone is eligible to win great door prizes!

Guests are welcome to join us for a fun and business-building morning.

Register here


7:45 | Attendees are welcome to arrive early to meet and greet

8:00 am | “Free-Range”/General Networking among attendees

8:15 am | Get to know the team at Al’s Garden Center, celebrating their 75th year! https://als-gardencenter.com

8:35 am | Round the Room Introductions

8:50 am | Announcements and Business Shoutouts

8:55 am | Raffle Drawing

9:00 am | Event Concludes

Register here

* Non-members are limited to two Morning Spark events before joining the Chamber.Read the rest

Morning Spark Networking at Office Depot March 1, 2023 1

Our Morning Spark networking events are great for meeting and making new business connections within the community. Facilitated introductions between attendees ensure you will meet everyone.

Register here

Everyone is eligible to win great door prizes!

Guests are welcome to join us for a fun and business-building morning.


7:45 | Attendees are welcome to arrive early to meet and greet

8:00 am | “Free-Range”/General Networking among attendees

8:15 am | Meet the team at Office Depot

8:25 am | Ribbon Cutting

8:35 am | Round the Room Introductions

8:50 am | Announcements and Business Shoutouts

8:55 am | Raffle Drawing

9:00 am | Event Concludes

Register here

* Non-members are limited to two Morning Spark events before joining the Chamber.… Read the rest

Amalfi Coast Info Night Amalfi Coast Square

Have you ever wanted to see the Amalfi Coast, but didn’t want to go alone? Wondering what this area is all about?

Join the Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce and C I Destinations for an Amalfi Coast Info Night, March 15, 2023, starting at 5:30 PM.

Register Now

Register here for the Amalfi Coast Info Night

More about the Amalfi Coast and the trip

The Amalfi Coast is a captivating combination of great beauty and gripping drama: coastal mountains dotted with picturesque towns and lush forests plunge into the sea. UNESCO had the entire area declared a World Heritage Site in 1997 for its unarguable beauty and uniqueness of its natural landscape. Mountains erupt from the waters of the Mediterranean and pastel-painted buildings cascade down cliffs.… Read the rest