Author Archives: Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce

Federal Law Alert May 9th, 2019


Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Classic Choice Payroll Solutions

EEO-1 Reporting Requirements Finalized

The hotly contested issue of what exactly needs to be filed for EEO-1 reporting this year has been resolved—at least for now. Pay data for both 2017 and 2018 must be reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) by September 30, 2019. The data that has been required in years past is still due by May 31, 2019. An appeal of the latest decision has been filed, so it’s possible that there could be yet another change to the requirements, but employers should plan to comply with these deadlines, as described below.

Does my business even need to file the EEO-1 report?

If you have fewer than 100 employees and no federal contracts, you are not subject to EEO-1 reporting requirements.… Read the rest