Category Archives: Member Blog

How to Build Trust with Your Customers


Trust is key in customer relationships. It drives sales and keeps customers coming back. But in a world full of options, building trust fast can be tough. It takes time and effort to establish credibility and rapport. (It’s not something you can grab off the shelf at Costco.) However, with the right approach, you can speed up this process. By focusing on transparency, communication, and consistently exceeding expectations, you can build trust quickly and effectively. Here’s how you can do it:


Be honest and upfront about your products, services, and business practices. Clearly communicate your values, mission, and any potential limitations. If another business is a better fit for what a customer needs, let them know. When customers feel they understand your business and see your commitment to their best interests, they’re more likely to trust you and return.… Read the rest

Boost Your Productivity with Plantie: Master the Pomodoro Technique!

Plantie App for Pomodoro Method Success

Staying focused can be a challenge, but Plantie makes productivity fun. This unique timer app gamifies your focus sessions by growing virtual fruit trees as you work. Here’s how to use Plantie to supercharge your productivity with the Pomodoro Technique.

What is Plantie?

Plantie adds a refreshing twist to time management:

  1. Set Your Timer: Choose a 25-minute focus session.
  2. Stay on Task: Watch your tree grow and produce fruit. If you lose focus, the fruit withers.
  3. Earn Rewards: Maintain streaks to earn coins and badges, which you can use to buy new types of trees.

Using Plantie for the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique involves working in focused intervals of 25 minutes, followed by short breaks. Here’s how to use Plantie for this:

  1. Set a 25-Minute Timer: Open Plantie and set your focus session.
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Mastering Time Management: Strategies for Success for Business Owners and Team Leaders

Time management

Effective time management is crucial for small business owners and team leaders who often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. Properly managing time is not only key to enhancing productivity but also essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, reducing stress, and ensuring long-term success. In an environment where every minute matters, mastering the art of time management can make a significant difference.

Why Time Management Matters

Small business owners and team leaders frequently handle a broad range of tasks, from strategic planning and operational oversight to customer service and team coordination. Without effective time management, these duties can quickly become overwhelming, leading to missed deadlines, subpar work quality, and burnout. By prioritizing tasks and managing time wisely, leaders can ensure that critical tasks are completed efficiently, resources are optimized, and teams remain motivated and focused.… Read the rest

Empowering Leaders to Combat Burnout: A Guide for Business Owners, Leaders, and the Self-Employed

thrive not just survive burnout article

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the health and well-being of employees have become paramount. A recent study by AFLAC found that about half (48%) of all employees believe their employers care about them. This perception of care significantly impacts job satisfaction, with over 84% of employees who feel cared for reporting high job satisfaction, compared to just 32% among those who do not feel cared for. However, a concerning 57% of those surveyed reported experiencing moderate to very high levels of burnout. This data underscores a critical need for business owners, leaders, and self-employed individuals to prioritize employee well-being and address burnout proactively.

The Importance of Empathy in Leadership

Empathy in leadership is not just a nice-to-have quality; it is essential for the health and productivity of the workforce.… Read the rest

Embracing the Summer Season for Business Growth

sizzling summer strategies

The unofficial start of summer is upon us, and with it comes a season of change for many small businesses. School is out, vacations are in, and customer behavior shifts as people embrace the warmer weather and longer days.

For some businesses, summer is a time of enormous revenue; for others, it can herald a long dry spell. However, with a bit of planning and creativity, summer can also be a season of growth and opportunity, regardless of your industry (except maybe snow plowing).

Capitalizing on Summer Opportunities

Summer offers unique opportunities to refresh your branding, engage customers, and capture the carefree spirit of the season. People are looking for ways to have fun and are in a vacation mindset even if they’re at home.… Read the rest