Category Archives: Member Blog

4 Ways to Attack (and Attain) Your Business Goals

When you run your own business, you’re the person deciding on the direction. You’re in control of start dates and marketing promos. You’re the one who must hold yourself back from the shiny object syndrome. 

And yet, so many of us fail on that last one and it’s easy to understand why.

Open your social media feeds or search on the internet for business advice and you’ll find dozens of articles that tell you what you need to be doing for your business this year—things you need to implement, apps you need to download, widgets needed on your website, and a host of other projects you would be remiss not to implement immediately.

And they all sound so wonderful. Things your audience will love, will drive more sales, help you become better known. … Read the rest

What Customers Want Post-Pandemic

The results of a recent survey commissioned by GoDaddy and conducted by OnePoll of 2,000 Americans and what they want from small business going forward, shouldn’t surprise business owners. But if you’ve been thinking that some of the things you did for safety purposes can be phased out once we start beating the numbers on this virus, you may be in for a rude awakening.

Just like our kids on summer vacation, our customers have gotten used to a certain way of life and they expect businesses to help them maintain it. 

What Customers Want

First, customers appreciated how most small businesses changed their offerings and ways of doing business with the pandemic. 

Here are the eight things that are most important to buyers:

  1. Contactless payment options
  2. Curbside pickup
  3. Online stores
  4. Self-checkout
  5. Virtual/digital loyalty cards 
  6. Mobile apps
  7. Ordering ahead online
  8. QR code menus

Not surprisingly, 68% of respondents said they would shop from small local stores more often if they could purchase items online.… Read the rest

New Year, New You, New Biz: Find Your Motivation in 2022

If you’re like me—and almost everyone else in this country—the end of the year is a time to look back and assess. I enjoy the nostalgia and reminiscing that occurs at this time of year, but it can also be a time of dread. It’s a time to realize you either hit the mark or you didn’t. And if you did, you may be apprehensive about being able to do it again in the new year.

So, we make resolutions.

We tell ourselves we’re going to do X differently this year. And most of us fall short of X because we forget about it, or we fall back into old routines because they are easy and we know how they work.… Read the rest

Cross Promotion Opportunities for a Stronger Small Business Season

This holiday season, we are supporting shop small. We want to celebrate the uniqueness of small business as well as the treasures and exquisite services that can be found in our backyard. But small businesses have challenges as they take on larger, national competitors. The perception that the giants have better deals, more attractive hours, and more selection, can be strong. That’s why it takes a creative approach to capture more of the holiday dollars. Cross promotion can be a very effective way for small business to stand out during the holiday season.

Why Cross Promotion?

Small businesses have the agility to do some creative things when it comes to promotion both within their own businesses and in partnerships with others.… Read the rest

COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)

A message from Ashley Lambeth Christian, Outreach and Marketing Specialist of U.S. Small Business Administration Portland District Office:

As you know, COVID has had a drastic and continuing impact on small businesses nationwide. The SBA is honored to have been tasked with aiding small businesses in their recovery efforts, by providing them with access to the necessary capital they need to continue to thrive through the COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). The EIDL has an application deadline that is rapidly approaching, December 31st 2021, and we want to make sure that your constituents are able to take advantage of this opportunity before time runs out.

We are also aware that some EIDL applicants may have questions about their current applications, loan increases, or the SBA’s process when evaluating each of these loans.… Read the rest