Category Archives: Member Blog

2021 #WorkReady Virtual Job Fair

Got jobs? Need applicants? Then sign up to host a virtual “table” at the 2021 #WorkReady Virtual Job Fair. 

Who: Your organization and the students from the Tigard-Tualatin School District When: Wednesday, May 26 from 2 – 4 pm 

Where: At the video conferencing link created by you* 

We are looking for businesses and organizations that have jobs to offer Tigard and Tualatin students in the immediate future. The #WorkReady team will take your information and create a website where students can learn about you, the opportunities available, and drop in to talk with you during the virtual job fair. Let’s work together to bring local talent into our workforce and fill your jobs! 

Sign up by May 19th to participate. Read the rest

50 Social Media Questions for Awesome Engagement

On social media you need interaction. Without it, your content won’t get seen by your audience. But getting people to interact can be a challenge. But not anymore!

Here are 50 conversation starters for your business. That’s about two months of work-week posts already done for you!

50 Fun Questions to Get to Know Your Audience

In order to mix these up and add a little excitement, we’ve also solicited answers through emojis and GIFs. You can alter the structure of these questions in a way that fits your audience.

1. What item does your household go through the quickest?

2. What’s your favorite scent?

3. Tell us where you were born in a GIF.

4. Tell us how old you are by sharing the top song when you were born.… Read the rest

6 Email Subject Lines That Get Clicks

Your email content can be the best ever but if people don’t open your emails, the emails might as well be blank.

Two things make recipients click: who it’s from and how appealing the subject line is. In that order. That’s one reason I advise businesses to send their emails from a person (or at least an email that resembles one), not “no-reply@biz.

But how do you make your subject lines more irresistible? How do you inspire clicks and drive them to open your emails? Try these types of emails.


6 Types of the Most Clickable Emails

Think of your own inbox and how many emails you receive during the day. Most of us are on fast delete or swipe when we’re clearing out emails.

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4/28: US Chamber Covid Relief Updates

The latest news from U.S. Chamber of Commerce...

Covid Resources

COVID-19 Vaccination Tax Credit - We've uploaded the recording from Monday’s webinar to discuss the COVID-19 Vaccination Tax Credit.  Click here to view the webinar, plus the White House fact sheet discussed during the event.  Furthermore, recordings from our prior Small Business Update events can be found here.

Learn more about available assistance - The U.S. Chamber, as part of its Save Small Business Initiative, has put together this comprehensive list of guides, resources, and tips available for your small business during the pandemic.  Start exploring here to see how you can get the help you need.

See more resources from CO— - Our teams at CO— have created a one-stop shop for all things coronavirus when it comes to your business.  

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Great Work, Swire Coca-Cola!

We love to see our Chamber members making the world a better place!

In recognition of Earth Day, Chamber investor, Swire Coca-Cola, participated in a SOLVE Oregon Spring Clean event at Memorial Park in Wilsonville. Thirteen associates volunteered for nearly 20 hours total collecting litter in the park and around the surrounding neighborhoods.

This is just a small part of Swire’s mission to achieve a world without waste. Swire Coca-Cola, has the goal of being the best corporate citizen everywhere they do business and we’re proud to have them as an integral part of our Chamber!

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