Clackamas County is offering another $600,000 in grants to businesses located in Clackamas County that have been adversely affected by economic conditions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. These grants, provided in partnership with Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon (MESO), will be for a maximum of $7,500. Application Opens: Friday, June 18 at 8:00 AM Application Closes: Wednesday, June 23 at 5:00 PM In order to be eligible, a business must meet the following criteria: Be headquartered in Clackamas County and have its principal operations in Clackamas County.If required by Oregon law to be registered with the Oregon Secretary of State to do business in Oregon, is so registered.Is either for-profit or an entity tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.During the Performance Period, incurred necessary expenditures due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, including those necessary expenditures incurred in response to Grantee’s return to an “Extreme Risk” level effective as of April 30, 2021. Any business-related operating expenses, not covered by previous grant/assistance dollars, are eligible for grant funding, including but not limited to payroll, rent/mortgage, utilities, perishable inventory losses due to required closures, payments to suppliers, costs associated with reopening, PPE and cleaning supplies. Businesses that received a grant in an earlier phase of this program may receive another grant as long as they can demonstrate additional need. Applications will be available online here, and will be accepted through Wednesday, June 23rd at 5pm. All completed applications received by the deadline will be considered. Clackamas County encourages applications from minority-owned, woman-owned and veteran-owned businesses and childcare providers, as well as sole proprietorships. The county, MESO and a grant review committee will work to ensure equitable distribution among all applicants. The County is committed to ensuring fair, equitable and careful distribution of grant awards to local businesses. For more information, contact Economic Development in the Clackamas County Business and Community Services Department at 503-742-4BIZ or For questions about the application or for assistance contact: Si tiene preguntas de la applicacion o desea obtener más información, comuníquese con: |
Grant for Businesses in Clackamas County