Author Archives: Wilsonville Chamber

Human Trafficking Awareness Event April 16th

human trafficking panel (Instagram Post)

Please join us April 16th, 2024 from 10-11 AM for a 1-hour panel discussion on the prevalence of human trafficking in the Portland Metro area.

Given recent activity, come learn about what is being done to combat this issue and help the victims who are being trafficked as well as have your questions answered.

Featuring representatives from the FBI, US Attorney’s Office, Oregon Department of Justice, A Village for One, and the US Chamber of Commerce.

Sponsored by Wilsonville and Lake Oswego Chambers of Commerce

Register Now

Register hereRead the rest

Spark April 17th, 2024


The Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Sparks are where business professionals meet monthly. Join us. Bring a friend. RSVP to attend this free event.

The April 17th Spark is sponsored by Wongs Building Supply and BuildWell Northwest.

Register Now

Register here

7:45 am | Early Arrival: attendees are welcome to arrive early. Coffee, tea, water, and light refreshments will be available.

8:00 am | Connection: general networking among attendees. Chamber Ambassadors will be present to help guide you to who you’d like to meet.

8:25 am | A SPARK: a surprise that’s interesting &/or fun &/or educational

8:30 am | Getting to Know: Wongs Building Supply and BuildWell Northwest

8:40 am | ‘Round the Room Introductions

8:55 am | Raffle Drawing

9:00 am | Event Concludes

* Non-members are limited to two Spark events before joining the Chamber.… Read the rest

Turning Your Passion Into Profit: A Quick Guide to Making Your Hobby Your Business

Plan Start Work

So you’ve got a hobby that you’re passionate about and are thinking, “Hey, why not make this my full-time gig?” We totally get it. Transitioning from a steady paycheck to hoping people will pay for what you love doing is a big step. But, with some smart planning, you can totally make it work.

Turning Your Passion Into Profit: A Quick Guide to Making Your Hobby Your Business

Taking the plunge into business ownership is both exciting and, let’s be honest, kind of scary. The thought of giving up a regular income for something uncertain is daunting. Tim Ferriss hits the nail on the head in “The 4-Hour Workweek” when he says people prefer unhappiness over uncertainty. If you’re set on making your hobby your livelihood, the key is to reduce those uncertainties through solid planning.… Read the rest

Spark at Al’s Garden Center March 6, 2024

March Spark

The Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Sparks are where business professionals meet monthly.

Join us. Bring a friend.

RSVP to attend this free event.

The March 6th Spark is sponsored by Al’s Garden Center. We’re giving away 5 Al’s gift cards and they’ll be sharing some awesome spring tips!

7:45 am | Early Arrival: attendees are welcome to arrive early. Coffee, tea, water, and light refreshments will be available.
8:00 am | Connection: general networking among attendees. Chamber Ambassadors will be present to help guide you to who you’d like to meet.
8:25 am | Spark, with Al’s Garden Center, sharing Spring Tips!
8:30 am | Getting to Know: Al’s Garden Center
8:40 am | ‘Round the Room Introductions
8:55 am | Raffle Drawing
9:00 am | Event Concludes

* Non-members are limited to two Spark events before joining the Chamber.… Read the rest

Spark February 28th, 2024 Sponsored by Oregon Business Recovery Center

February Spark

Hosted by Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce

The Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Sparks are where business professionals meet monthly.

Join us. Bring a friend.

RSVP to attend this free event.

The February 28th Spark is sponsored by the Oregon Business Resource Center.

7:45 am | Early Arrival: attendees are welcome to arrive early. Coffee, tea, water, and light refreshments will be available.
8:00 am | Connection: general networking among attendees. Chamber Ambassadors will be present to help guide you to who you’d like to meet.
8:25 am | Spark, with professional speaker Lauren Teague: How to Leverage AI to Supercharge Business Marketing
8:30 am | Getting to Know: Oregon Business Resource Center
8:40 am | ‘Round the Room Introductions
8:55 am | Raffle Drawing
9:00 am | Event Concludes

* Non-members are limited to two Spark events before joining the Chamber.Read the rest