Category Archives: Member Blog

OSCC Political Observations

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A message from Oregon State Chamber of Commerce…

“The most significant issue of the past week was the final passage of the ‘American Rescue Plan’ federal aid package that will send over $2.6 billion to the Oregon legislature to fill budget holes.
With all this money coming to the state, OSCC sounded the alarm that the Oregon Legislature is still looking to raise taxes on small businesses and working Oregonians. 
OSCC sounded the alarm on the following taxes:

  • SB 137 – Disconnect from Federal CARES Act tax benefits for Oregon businesses
  • SB 139 – Repeal of the Oregon Small Business Tax Cut 
  • HB 2253– Taxing PPP loans
  • HB 2839 – Disconnect from Federal CARES Act tax benefits for Oregon businesses

OSCC also called attention to important tax relief legislation:

  • SB 842 – Eliminates state taxes on federal stimulus checks

Finally, OSCC is looking to Friday, March 19th with a high degree of anticipation, as it is the first major deadline of the 2021 legislative session. All… Read the rest

Commercial Rent Relief Program

A message from Business Oregon…

“The Oregon Legislative Emergency Board on January 8, 2021, allocated $100 million to fund a new Commercial Rent Relief Program to provide financial assistance to small businesses and landlords adversely affected by economic conditions as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The program will open for applications on March 8, 2021.

The program targets landlords with tenant businesses with 100 or fewer employees who are behind on lease payments or any forgiven base rent amounts that have been negotiated due to COVID-19. The program will require both business tenant and property owner participation. The program includes additional protections for tenants, such as non-eviction clauses, and a waiver of penalties and interest.”

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Hearing Today on Senate Bill 531

A message from Oregon State Chamber of Commerce…

Now is the time for local Chambers and local businesses to voice their support for Senate Bill 531 and the ability for businesses to be fully reimbursed for damages from state ordered economic shutdowns.

The hearing will take place TODAY, February 18th at 3:15pm in the Senate Committee On Veterans and Emergency Preparedness.

OSCC supports SB 531, as it would ensure that business could be reimbursed for actual damages from business closures required by emergency rules or order. This includes the business closures that resulted from the Governor’s Executive Order 20-12, when businesses were closed in the interest of public health and slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

This is your opportunity as a Chamber to weigh in with your support and talk about the impact these closures have had on your business community.
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Quality Healthcare Designed for Small Businesses

Meadows Health and Wellness Direct Primary Care (DPC) is the perfect solution for Small Business Owners. DPC allows employers to provide employee health benefits even with a restricted budget. If you are an employer in the Wilsonville area looking for ways to improve your employee satisfaction and retention along with reducing your overall healthcare costs, look no further. Our DPC practice offers health services, whether or not you offer an insurance plan. By contracting with Meadows Health and Wellness, you are making exceptional health care services accessible to your valued employees. We can see your employees quickly, and we offer appointments outside of typical business hours.

GMB Dr. April Voves 1


Schedule a free consultation or call our office today! We’d be happy to discuss your requirements and see where we can help you!… Read the rest

Divine Complexions Beauty Medspa Announces Expansion

Grand Opening Event to Celebrate with Over $1,650 in Give-A-Ways

Wilsonville, OR – “When one door closes, another opens!” Divine Complexions, a luxury Beauty Medspa closed the doors of their Spa at 8755 SW Citizens Dr in Wilsonville on January 28 and moved everything in 48 hours, and opened the doors of their dramatic, new Spa at 25700 SW Argyle Ave, in Wilsonville on Saturday, January 30! 

Divine’s new salon is twice as large, a refreshing change from the former business suite. Customers entering the new Spa are greeted with the glamourous ambiance of soft lights, warm colors, relaxing music, and a glam team of medspa experts. Once inside, the beautiful luxury décor immediately contrasts with the world outside and moves the visitor to an enchanting place of tranquility and relaxation. … Read the rest