Category Archives: Member Blog

Celebrating Small Business Week

A typical American Main Street scene, bustling with activity. The street is lined with a variety of small businesses including a bakery, and a bookstore

Small Business Week is an annual event in the United States that highlights the critical role small businesses play in local and national economies. These enterprises are pivotal in creating jobs, diversifying the economy, and contributing to local tax bases.

The Role of Small Businesses

Small businesses are major employers, especially at the local level, providing a variety of job opportunities. They contribute to economic resilience, helping communities withstand economic downturns by diversifying the local economy. Their contribution to local and state revenues also supports essential public services.

Challenges and Benefits

Challenges: Small businesses often face hurdles like limited access to capital, intense competition from larger corporations, and the heavy burden of regulatory compliance.

Benefits: Supporting local small businesses keeps money within the community, enhances its unique character, and strengthens local networks.… Read the rest

Keep Your Business in Check: Update Your Mailing Address Today!

Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade Reminds Business Owners to “Keep it Current” By Updating Their Mailing Address

Attention Oregon business owners and nonprofit leaders! The Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, along with the Corporation Division, is spearheading an essential outreach campaign. The focus? To remind you to verify that your organization’s mailing address on file is accurate and current.

Why is This Important?

The Corporation Division holds the critical task of maintaining Oregon’s state business and nonprofit registry. A primary channel through which the division communicates vital information such as renewal notices is through mail. This means that the accuracy of the mailing addresses in their system is paramount.

A Call to Action from Secretary Griffin-Valade

Secretary Griffin-Valade emphasizes the significance of keeping your mailing address up-to-date. “Your business’s mailing address is the primary way we can get in touch with important information about your business, like when it’s time to renew,” she states.… Read the rest

Mastering Focus in a World of Distractions

A focused and professional small business owner in an office setting, managing multiple tasks efficiently. The setting is busy yet organized, with a v

As small business owners and solopreneurs, you’re often expected to juggle multiple roles simultaneously. Initially, this multitasking might seem cost-effective, but it quickly becomes apparent that a scattered focus can significantly hinder your business efficiency. When your attention is split across numerous tasks and objectives, you might find yourself merely dabbling in everything without ever achieving a sense of completion. You end up firefighting throughout the day, starting various projects but ending the day dissatisfied with your progress.

This is why maintaining sharp focus is essential—it’s not just beneficial for you but also sets a positive example for your team and primes your business for success. In a world that seems to celebrate constant busyness over actual productivity, here are some strategies to help you stay focused and achieve your business goals:

Strategies for Staying Focused in a Bustling Environment

1.Read the rest

Turning Your Passion Into Profit: A Quick Guide to Making Your Hobby Your Business

Plan Start Work

So you’ve got a hobby that you’re passionate about and are thinking, “Hey, why not make this my full-time gig?” We totally get it. Transitioning from a steady paycheck to hoping people will pay for what you love doing is a big step. But, with some smart planning, you can totally make it work.

Turning Your Passion Into Profit: A Quick Guide to Making Your Hobby Your Business

Taking the plunge into business ownership is both exciting and, let’s be honest, kind of scary. The thought of giving up a regular income for something uncertain is daunting. Tim Ferriss hits the nail on the head in “The 4-Hour Workweek” when he says people prefer unhappiness over uncertainty. If you’re set on making your hobby your livelihood, the key is to reduce those uncertainties through solid planning.… Read the rest

Transform Your Workspace for Success: Make Work Fun Again!

DALL·E 2024 02 05 11.32.27 An office space designed with Feng Shui principles in mind, featuring a decluttered desk with organizational tools like shelves and wicker file cabine

Hey there, fellow office procrastinator! Admit it, we’ve all spent a bit too much time daydreaming about our perfect workspace. But here’s the deal – crafting the right office vibe can be a game-changer for your productivity, creativity, and overall success. So, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the wild world of Office Feng Shui, with a side of humor and a sprinkle of pizzazz.

What’s the Buzz with Office Feng Shui?

Before you roll your eyes and dismiss it, let’s talk about Office Feng Shui. It’s all about balance and energy flow. Trust me; there are studies on this stuff! Plus, who wants to work in a cluttered, stressful den, right? Office Feng Shui is all about creating a harmonious and balanced workspace that boosts your well-being, creativity, and success.… Read the rest