Category Archives: Member Blog

10 Essential Wedding Planning Tips & Tricks

Own Your Dream Home
Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Kindred Spirits Planning & Design


You’re Engaged!!  

Now is the time you start thinking about telling everyone and planning your perfect day! This process can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but no worries we are here to help! Here are our 10 Essential Wedding Planning Tips & Tricks to help make this time a bit easier and a lot more fun!

  1. Celebrate, enjoy the moment and tell your parents before posting on social media!! (Brought to you by a mother.)

Telling your friends and family is one of the most exciting tasks after becoming engaged. You’ll want to make it public, as soon as possible, that you are making this huge commitment with the love of your life!… Read the rest

2018 Annual Event Recap

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Photo Credit:  Rose Adele Photography

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, the Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce hosted our 2018 Annual Meeting at the Al Kadar Shriners Center and attracted over 130 Chamber attendees.  The event was sponsored by Kindred Spirits Planning & Design, Prographics Services, Inc., Pacific Connections, Poppies, and Paisley Floral, and Rose Adele Photography.

This year’s theme – “A Taste of Wilsonville” where 12 Wilsonville bakeries, caterers and restaurants shared their delectable food by offering guests the opportunity to sample their cuisine and learn more about their menus and offerings.  Participating in the tastings were the Corner Coffee Shop, Holiday Inn South, Izumi Japanese Steakhouse, Lux Sucre Desserts, Panera Bread, Qdoba Wilsonville, Rêver Artisan Bakery, Shari’s Pie & Café, Swire Coca-Cola, Tom’s Wilsonville Catering and Week Day Wine Club.… Read the rest

Cold? Flu? What should you do?

Cold Flu Pic.
Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Dr. April Voves, Naturopathic Primary Care Physician at West Chiropractic & Wellness.


Cold? Flu? What should you do?

It is that time of year again, pull out those sweaters and scarfs the air is cool and crisp, the leaves are changing…and snot, sneezes, and coughs are everywhere! Cold and flu season is among us. What can you do about it? Arm yourself with this educational information on cold and flu season so you can stay healthy this season.

The Common Cold

The common cold is well, common, the most frequent illness in the industrialized world in fact! Typically, adults will have two or three colds a year (keep reading for tips on how to stay healthy!).… Read the rest

November is National Diabetes Month – Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to Diabetes


Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to Diabetes

The disease’s impact on the eyes comes into focus during National Diabetes Awareness Month

Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Oregon Eye Specialists

National Diabetes Awareness Month, a countrywide initiative to bring attention to the prevention and impact of the prevalent, dangerous affliction, begins November 1, 2018.

November is truly beautiful to behold. Vibrant fall foliage paints the trees but seeing friends and family during the holidays is an even more welcome sight. Taking in the eager, smiling faces set around a magnificent Thanksgiving dinner creates memories that last a lifetime. Vision is something we all take for granted. As the turkey is carved and thanks are shared, it’s also a good time to think about a disease that affects more than 30 million Americans and unbeknownst to many, can lead to blindness.… Read the rest

Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

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Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Rene’e James, MSPT, OCS, CMP
Boones Landing Physical Therapy


Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

Have you ever experienced an injury from running that caused you to lose motivation and lead to further inactivity? If you are a runner, you know that running can be the motivation for everything you do in your daily routine. If the glue that is holding your day together becomes disrupted because of an injury, where do you go from there?

Richard Benyo’s book “Why We Run” offers a good reference for understanding the scientific appeal of running that really allowed it to become a phenomenon. Running has consistently increased in popularity with an estimated increase from 25 million runners in the 1970s and 1980s, to approximately 60 million currently in the United States.  … Read the rest