Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Brad Kleiner of Sandler Training Grounded by Cedar Root
Prospecting is the lifeblood of a successful sales career… but many salespeople overlook the basic behaviors that support a consistent prospecting routine. Here are the five necessary behaviors professional salespeople need in order to become successful at prospecting.
Have a cookbook. Prospecting by itself tends to be the last thing that we want to do… with the result that we come up with all kinds of good reasons to do other things during the selling day. Of course, we do need to have a healthy balance between all of your activities. The question is, what daily mix of activities supports our income goals? By crunching the numbers, analyzing the results, and creating a “recipe” for daily progress, also known as the cookbook, we can identify exactly how many deals we need to make, how many conversations we need to have, and so on… every single day.… Read the rest