Member Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Boones Landing Physical Therapy
As we all deal with COVID-19, many of us are facing a new challenge of working from home. It’s obviously much safer to stay at home and follow the guidance of the experts by reducing opportunities to spread the virus. The best thing we can all do is simply go with the flow. Creating a “new” normal is the key to survival during these challenging times. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help those adjusting to working remotely.
Create a routine – When you work from home, it is easy for work and home life to blend together if you establish a schedule like a normal workday, you can help solidify these lines.… Read the rest
On March 25th we joined together for a Virtual Morning Spark.
Dr. April Voves Meadows Health and Wellness discussed best practices to stay healthy and interact with your doctors during the pandemic.
Laurie Tarter LLC brought out her business toolbox to show you how you can use your new, spare time to get ahead. Ways you can make your business better for the future include:
Are you working remotely? Business owners and managers who want to ensure that their teams who are new to remote working are being effective, efficient and yes even happy, should check out these productivity tips.
Thanks to Chamber member and HR expert Darcey McAllister with HRT Northwest.… Read the rest
An invisible illness is a term for any medical condition that isn’t easily visible to others. Just because you cannot see a person’s illness doesn’t mean they don’t have one; Just because symptoms aren’t physically there when looking at a person struggling, doesn’t mean they are not struggling internally. Chronic/invisible illnesses have no cure and tend to ebb and flow in severity — some days, weeks, and months go really well, and during others it’s difficult to work, socialize, and function, confusing those who can’t “see” why one day is good and another a challenge. This includes chronic physical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and others (see a short list below).… Read the rest