Category Archives: Member Blog

A Skincare Routine and Why it’s Important to Choose the Right Products

Member Blog Submitted by Christine Lewy of Divine Complexions Spa

Did you know that only 20% of skin aging is due to your age? That’s good news for you because a lot of the reasons why we end up not liking our complexion we now know are preventable or correctable. What you put on your skin ideally morning and night 365 days a year, adds up to a lot of either preventative care or correctable opportunities. You have the power to make a big difference in the radiance of your complexion. How? By using a professionally recommended skincare routine for your skin type and concerns, morning and night.

There are so many products out there today and lots of conflicting information, so I know it can be overwhelming and downright confusing on what you should be doing to get the skin you desire.… Read the rest

WACC Board Statement Regarding Comments Made in Podcast

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We are aware that 2003 Board President and a current volunteer serving on the Public Policy Committee, Doris Wehler made a number of disturbing and hurtful public comments in a recent independent podcast. We want to stress that these comments do not reflect in any way the beliefs of the Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce (WACC), its Board of Directors, or its Membership. 
We have discussed this very serious situation with Doris. We shared with Doris that while during the past twenty years she has donated hundreds of hours of her time and made important contributions to our Chamber and business community, her podcast comments were totally opposed to WACC beliefs and were unacceptable. July 15th Doris said in writing she deeply regrets the comments she made and the hurt they may have caused.… Read the rest

Staying Connected in a Virtual World

Member Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Liz Hatcher, Founder of Women to Women Network

So, in case you hadn’t noticed, Zoom has thoroughly infiltrated the business world, and virtual networking has taken over this spring! In just a few short weeks, we’ve become familiar with terms like Zoom bombing and Zoom fatigue (are you feeling it?), and you’ve probably laughed at some funny Zoom bloopers. Hilarious faux pas aside, Zoom and other tools like Microsoft Meetings and Google Hangouts have become vital to how we are doing business now.

But what about networking? Is virtual networking possible? Well, based on the events we’ve been holding and the events many of you have been attending, the answer is a resounding yes! And, the “rules of engagement” are really no different.… Read the rest