Category Archives: Member Blog

To SEO or not to SEO: That is truly the question!

Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Ron Le Vine, Efficient Portal

Over the years, we have had many people ask us about SEO. So, I thought I would write about it for a bit. First, I will start with some history and then get into how to think about SEO in the current times.

Back in the early days of the Internet people would build a site and then tell their friends and colleges about it. Sometimes the sites were useful. Sometimes not.

Later on, the search engines were developed with the idea of providing users of the Internet a way to search the thousands of websites for information they needed. Sites like,, and so on, came into being and successful by providing this service.… Read the rest


Edge One Media

Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Edge One Media

If you are passionate about a certain cause, consider connecting your business to it! Edge One Media is passionate about making an impact against cancer and has been heavily involved with organizing its local Relay for Life for 5 years! While doing our best to benefit the fight against cancer, inversely, being involved with Relay for Life has benefitted Edge One. We’re sure that we can all agree that supporting a good cause while growing your business is a pretty good deal!

Our main goal as businesses is to reach those who need our services while distinguishing ourselves from our competitors. In this ever-evolving business environment, consumers already expect great service, now they are weighing how you are making the world a better place as well.… Read the rest

5 Ways to Evaluate the Success of Your Team


Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Brad Kleiner of Sandler Training in Wilsonville.

5 Ways to Evaluate the Success of Your Team

Improving your efficiency or effectiveness is only as good as your method of determining and evaluating success. It’s easy to earn a win here or there, but repeated success over a long period of time can only be done through hard work, analysis, and reinforcement. Below, we have outlined five ways to gauge the success of your team, how you got there, and what to do to keep it up.

  1. Establish a clear baseline.

First, you must establish a bottom line. This should be the level that you expect your team to operate at, if nothing changes. This is very much like a control group in a scientific experiment – an unadulterated sample for you to track along with actual performance.… Read the rest

6 Critical HR “To Do” Items for 2018

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6 Critical HR “To Do” Items for 2018 

Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Darcey McAllister of HRT Northwest

Ensure harassment prevention practices are up-to-date. Harassment claims continue to dominate the news with a focus moving from the harasser to the organizations who allowed the long-term activity to happen.  The best protection is proactive intervention.  Review your harassment policy ensuring it contains clear provisions on how to report concerns, train employees on that policy and train managers on how to respond to complaints or concerns. This is the time of year for making resolutions of what we want to fix/change/improve in the upcoming year.  I’m sure you already have a list of plans and challenges but adding (and completing) these tactical and strategic “to do” items for your human resources function will assist with compliance and relieve long-term pain.… Read the rest

How to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

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Guest Blog Contributed by Chamber Member Dr. Alyssa Kurth of West Chiropractic


Tis the season for baking, parties, shopping, and – stress.  If you are finding it difficult to muster up the time or energy for your holiday obligations this year, here are a few tips to help you enjoy this holiday season!

  • Sleep.  Aim for a solid seven to eight hours of sleep per night.  While your body is resting, it is hard at work healing and repairing your cells.  Just like your phone needs to be charged, your body also needs to be recharged!
  • Moderation.  Holiday cooking and parties can make eating healthy and staying on track with your diet difficult.  Instead, try loading up on fresh fruit, veggies, and lean protein to help you fill up, and indulge less.
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